The project
RadioBag® is the bag of new generation that opens innovative scenarios in terms of waste collection and monitoring. RadioBag®, the invention of the “traceability chain” for waste. RadioBag® is an Italian patent that allows the bag to communicate in real time with a technological platform capable to identify and track the bags intended for both the differentiated and the undifferentiated collection. Its technology allows you to monitor the quantity and the quality of waste, “following it” throughout its course. RadioBag® is good value for money: it rewards and educates. Through RadioBag® you can create an incentive/deterrent mechanism to reward the virtuous citizens with discounts on the bill : that's why differentiating is important.
RadioBag® also allows you to monitor the “bad users”, those who cause damage and transgress the rules of the fair behaviour, so helping the local governments that can proceed against them with all the appropriate actions. The ecological operator through a reading system (without checking the contents of the bag) will be able to verify the user coordinates who has committed an infraction. All this will happen in the total respect of the citizens privacy.
“The education to the differentiate collection passes also through the control”.
Here follows a summary of the advantages that resulted in some municipalities where RadioBag® was tested:
- Reduction of the quantity of the indifferentiate collection mainly due to the effectiveness of the control mechanism of the user (the merit/sanctions system educates and gives the citizen a sense of responsibility).
- Increase of raw material anymore destined to landfills, but to the relevant circuits such as reclaim consortia: as the italian Conai, Coreve, Corepla...
- Possibility of monitoring the bags consumption of individual citizens.
- Opportunity to make a correct and timely delivery, thus avoiding indiscriminate distributions with net savings on the operating costs.
- Reduction of the spending on the waste disposal in the landfills directly proportional to the increase percentage of RD obtained.
Thanks to the cooperation with companies working from years in the field of integrated waste management, and monitoring and control of systems for identification and georeferencing , SMP is able to offer customized solutions and turnkey projects to Governments, Municipalities and environmental health services managers who want to introduce a more equitable tariff system.
How it works
Finished product
SMP by Sfrecola Gianluca & C. S.a.s.
Headquarters: Via Foggia 45/47 - 76121 Barletta (BT) Italy
Phone: (+39) 0883. 52 61 48 - Fax: (+39) 0883.31 34 28
Website: www.smpsas.it
Info: info@smpsas.it
Administration: amministrazione@smpsas.it
Commercial: commerciale@smpsas.it
Contract management: appalti@smpsas.it